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  1. sotafo

    What’s on the Horizon for Ole Miss Women’s Basketball This Season?

    Hello With the new season fast approaching; it's time to dive into what’s on the horizon for Ole Miss Women’s Basketball. There’s a lot to consider as we look ahead; and I’d love to hear your thoughts on a few key points that could shape our journey this year. :) First off; let’s talk about...
  2. sotafo

    Временные конструкции

    I have gone through this post which definitely helped me out a lot as a new member I am looking forward for more such discussions.
  3. sotafo

    Need help !

    Hello, I am new to this forum community and very excited to get involved ! I am looking forward to contributing and learning from the community. Could someone guide me in the right direction for where to start? Are there any specific threads; resource ; areas of the forum that you would...