Expectations for the Upcoming Season: Key Players to Watch


New member
Hi Rebels fans,:love:

With the new season fast approaching, I'm curious to hear everyone's thoughts on our Ole Miss men's basketball team. What are your expectations for this year? Are there any key players you think will have a breakout season?

Personally, I'm excited to see how Matthew Murrell develops after showing so much promise last year. I believe his performance could be a game-changer for us. Also, how do you think our new recruits will fit into the team dynamics?
I also check this: https://therebelwalk.com/2022/09/column-on-expectations-for-the-2022-seasonsnowflake But I have not found any solution. Could anyone suggest the best guidance for this?

Looking forward to a great discussion and hoping for a successful season! Hotty Toddy!