Book discussion

Patricia Hold

New member
Hi, I recently ordered some textbooks, but unfortunately I got the quantity wrong and they sent me twice as many as I had planned. Tried to return them, but the store refused to take them back. Now looking for somewhere to sell the extra books. Does anyone have any advice?


New member
Oh, this is really frustrating. Because of such misunderstandings, sometimes you have to look for alternative solutions. I, by the way, have faced similar problems too, but with books. When I needed to get rid of a large part of my collection, I accidentally came across a site where there is a selling books I did a little research on their terms and conditions and they look really attractive. What I particularly liked is that they accept books in all subjects. Maybe this will be a good option for you

Olivia Brandt

New member
Yes, indeed, sometimes such unforeseen situations can be unpleasant. When I was faced with the need to sell unwanted books, I searched for a long time for a suitable way to get rid of them. And I am glad that I found some good information about it here. It seems that the service does provide ample opportunities for selling books, which is great. Will keep this in mind if I have a similar situation in the future.😊(y)