Questions Regarding the Mediterranean Summit 2024


New member
Hi everyone,

I’m following the upcoming Mediterranean Summit 2024 with great interest and had a few questions I hoped someone could shed light on. What specific topics will be prioritized this year? Will there be a focus on environmental issues like climate change and marine conservation?

Also, are there any notable changes in the format or participation from previous years? I’m particularly curious about how discussions will be structured to address both regional and global challenges. Any insights or information about the agenda and key speakers would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

The Mediterranean Summit 2024 will prioritize climate change, marine conservation, and sustainable development. At the MediterraneanSummit, there will be a notable focus on interactive workshops and regional roundtables, with a hybrid format to include both in-person and virtual participation. The agenda will address both regional and global challenges, with key speakers from environmental science, policy-making, and Mediterranean nations.